Friday, June 29, 2007

Second Quarter 2007 Results: DJTP Up +13.9% for 3 Months

The Wall Street trading session ending Friday June 29, 2007 marked the end of the Second Quarter for; April - June 2007, and the results for the DeanJonesTrader Portfolio (DJTP) in comparison with the other benchmarks, is illustrated below:

DJTP ............+13.9%
S & P 500 .... + 4.9%
NASDAQ ..... + 6.2%

DJTP vs. S&P 500


Off The Beaten Path:
THIS WEEK'S REAL ESTATE STORIES - Here's proof that celebrities are like the rest of us: Even MarthaStewart had to sell below her asking price. The Wall Street Journal reports that she recently sold her estate inWestport, Conn., for $6.7 million, a -26% discount from the asking price.The property was first put on the market last year, for just under $9million.

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