Friday, July 13, 2007

Bulls Run, Bears Hide and our DJTP Flies

As many expected a pullback or correction thus far this summer, the Bulls showed who's in charge on Wall Street once again yesterday. (What can I say? In my options portfolio, even yours truly is down on SPY puts).
No matter what all the "professional" talking heads' predictions are (or were), the facts are all we care about. The trend is up and the results (YTD) for the DeanJonesTrader Portfolio (DJTP) in comparison with the other benchmarks remain, shall we say ... "bull-ish".

YTD % Change:
DJTP ...........+26.7%
S & P 500 .... + 6.9%
NASDAQ ..... +11.9%
"Do you wish to gamble blindly in the hope of getting a great big profit, or do you wish to speculate intelligently and get a smaller but more probable profit?"

Monday, July 9, 2007

Dean Jones Trader Portfolio (DJTP) Up +23% YTD for The Week Ending July 6, 2007

Here are the latest updates and action taken on each position within the portfolio...

This past 4th of July week marked another bull run for all top performing averages on Wall Street, and especially for our "less flashy" names held in our DJTP. As of writing this morning, the Dean Jones Trader Portfolio is Up +24% YTD ... (Screenshot below is taken from Sunday July 8, 2007 when all markets were closed):

"There is a serious tendency toward capitalism among the well to-do peasants"
Mao Tse-Tung